May 21, 2009, White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
My Beloved Grandmother Going Places,
This is your heart song, not mine. I hear it in the wind and am able to write it and sing it for you! There are musical notes if I record the Song. Maybe next time, I can do this for you.

We all have access to the Wind, the motion of the Soul World. Here Heaven is where you rely, the place of all the doors and destinies that arise. This is how we all know the same information, while we pray. All and each of us have many talents, we need recognize our own. I know Grandmother Space is always the embrace of molecules. The law of implosion of the dreamworld to be real in the physical manifestation of walking and talking the way.
aho, White Buffalo Calf Woman
May 17, 2009, White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Grand Parent Going Places
Your Heart's Song Today...

There is never a time that longs for you than now which is here to stay, my heart is the blossom that unfolds and always knows the Rose. It's wisdom I have come to know, the wills of all of Mankind, but in my Heart the Song rings true, the never ending time.

Come hold me and tither we will go and look beyond all the doors. We can always have the time to play, because Heaven always knows. We are only here once for an eternity and we had better enjoy the ride, for always is forever and time doesn't stand still if you only look at the Rose. We must dream and see the other flowers the ones that go to and fro. Here you will find the echoes of all our lost time and see how Heaven unfolds. Listen my children, I will always be here, to open and close the door, but if you think I'm going to let you inside just to hide, come think it's only for those, yes indeed. It's only for those who know the Rose.

(the Red Road, the law of love, which whispers in the Wind our Fragrant heart of the Yellow Song Bird, the Dream.)

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.  He said, "My sun, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. 

"One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. 

"The other is God - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather:
"Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Read more about Wolf Warriors here: 
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

I tell you truly the sun does rise, to bring the heart of our surmise, the grandest show we ever did sea, the vision of rainbows within you and me. I come to tell you we are a song, the greatest miracle left undone. But all we have to do, is share our songs, the living and giving of the receiving sun. My heart of Grandmother Going Places I do gift, the heart of what door do you gift? And when you choose to outweigh the sun, to be the setting of heaven's rungs, there will be standing the sacred circle of fun, the destiny of loving, that comes home when we run. Come child, into my arms, where Grandmother will hold you until the "DAWN".

Friday, June 25, 2010

Grandmother Going Places asks, "Tell Me Children, Where Do We Go?"

Grandmother Going Places sings to us after a frustrating week, when a heart was tearing and in need. Grandmother needed to relieve, the soul, who did not know the rules of love, or how to validate the show with the embrace only Grandmother can share, the story teller who knows, the to and fro, heaven and earth it does know.  I travel over rolling hills, waves of light we fill, oh Grandmother hold us close!  Your devoted servant sings, White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter.

Feel my heart I will start.  Take a walk around the block.  There I will stand, to hold your hand.  Follow me, eternity, Greatness folds inside of me.  Feel the heart, my destiny.  Greet the soul, set me free.  Live my life, forever flee (freedom) in the wind, running over all this sin.

Walk this way.  Open up heaven's doors.  Feel my heart all the way.  There I dance to sing your song.  There my heart does get along.   Raptures delight away from fright.  Listen stories, I carry the key.  Open your heart I will heal your pain.  Find the soul and you will gain.

Glory Bee (dream the impossible dream), the heart of thieves (impure behaviors), those who capture all the leaves (relatives). I understand.  I will walk upright into your heart.  I will understand.  Freak on me.  Feel the breeze (slam the heavenly door in the face). 

This will resolve all you will see (intelligence), until you find a heart that believes (wisdom). And I will be there for the thief (time in dream space) and turn all around into magical belief.  And we shall walk into gardens bloom, where all does shine real soon.  Love my children, that's the key, don't be left behind, instead practice being blind (faithful, devout), so bright is your inner light.  Let it shine like the moon (reflect off the blue).  And we will walk down into the valleys real soon, the shadows will learn to loom (weave together), with our true love, we bring, to groom.

Sacred Song Blessings Begins for the Heart of Grandmother Going Places.

Tell me children, where do go?  I want to hold you instead of scold.  Tell me children lift up your heart.  Gift me a song and enter paradise.  What's wrong children?  I adore, but you seem to want even more.  I got your heart and it belongs to you.  I got one dream it's the heart that runs free.  So my little children I adore.  Give me glory, fill me more.  You don't have to follow me, but you do have a need.  Dream my child and you will be free.  Dream my child and you will sea.  I am glory when I sea your face, knowing you found your human race.

Hold on tight, feel the heart inside.  Hold on tight, don't give me alibis.  Instead let's dream, come fly with me.  Oh my children can't you sea (vision with a heart).  There is so much magic in the air, but you feel with so much despair and I want to feel the soul inside.  I want  you to know how good is pride.  You need only listen to the soul and you'll realize you are bold.

Come hold my hands and we'll fly free.  Come understand and it's a new land.  Liberty comes when you bless a heart.  I know glory is not apart (separated).  But it's radiance comes with your glow, oh my children remember your told (stories shared from old).  Dream forever.  Dream and Bee free oh my children hold on to me. .........................................................

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, a  crystal person, heaven's door, and Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star, a lavender person, paradise's gate,  for the Heart of Grandmother Going Places, a gray person, heaven and earth space, often referred to as Grandmother Space, we all share in our dreams. Rainbow Colors of the Rainbow Clan. Receive your sacred song blessings, by emailing and requesting from

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

Song for the Pipe
when the pipe comes in your heart and knows where Mother is then we will fly to the heavens and see where god begins, so reach in your heart and find the way, just reach in your heart and sing. speak all the ones who are elder and true, find their way find their heart that is blue,when we know the song of all the waters that are pure, and the song of all the breathers that flow. and when smoke that arises from mother bosoms heart, bless the sacred space that always knows the way, so heaven when we mistake each other, when we don't know our sacred way, let us help to receive our brothers and our sisters who are pure. let them know that each other is only if you both walk on inside your heart is where we sang upon the road, let us remember this heart we stand, let us remember this one we make our way. let us remember god 's mighty hand and the sacred way of the fire pure, of the sacred way of the blue that's pure of the tears that flow for our bounty knows the way.

Prayer to Heaven and Earth, the Nine Sacred Directions 
each time a fire is lit, including the Pipe!
To the East and the West. To the North and the South. To the Up and the Down. To the Sacred all around. To the heartbeat and breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive my life for thee. Forever in the breeze!
Just taking a Walk through Space Grandmother, "Where are we going?"

I tell you truly the sun does rise, to bring the heart of our surmise, the grandest show we ever did sea, the vision of rainbows within you and me. I come to tell you we are a song, the greatest miracle left undone. But all we have to do, is share our songs, the living and giving of the receiving sun. My heart of Grandmother Going Places I do gift, the heart of what door do you gift? And when you choose to outweigh the sun, to be the setting of heaven's rungs, there will be standing the sacred circle of fun, the destiny of loving, that comes home when we run. Come child, into my arms, where Grandmother will hold you until the "DAWN".

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Grandmother Going Places Brings Us, "Watch That Doggie Door"

Posted By: Shasta Send E-Mail
Date: Thursday, 29-Jan-2009 21:09:44

This fawn followed this beagle home ---- right through the doggie door ---- in the Bittinger, MD. area recently. The owner came home to find the visitor had made himself right at home. This hit the 6 o'clock news big time.

Could you imagine…come home from work and find this tiny creature napping on your couch with your dog?

Brought to us by Grandmother Going Places, who guides us towards our hearts to sing.  Destiny on wings.
I tell you truly the sun does rise, to bring the heart of our surmise, the grandest show we ever did sea, the vision of rainbows within you and me. I come to tell you we are a song, the greatest miracle left undone. But all we have to do, is share our songs, the living and giving of the receiving sun. My heart of Grandmother Going Places I do gift, the heart of what door do you gift? And when you choose to outweigh the sun, to be the setting of heaven's rungs, there will be standing the sacred circle of fun, the destiny of loving, that comes home when we run. Come child, into my arms, where Grandmother will hold you until the "DAWN".

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Heart Speaks

Praise to White Buffalo Calf Woman for assisting me in understanding the Heart. This in turn has allowed me to understand many previously not understood concepts and especially the Lyricus discourses which show the way to gaining our genetic memory (everything that any human has ever known). At last I see how by our own built in mechanisms we can access the wormhole capabilities and through such do the things the Wing Makers say, that we are inter-dimensional beings.  Not by faith but by understanding and without technology.

Recommend you all read the  Lyricus discourses as all of you, I believe can understand this.  Wow! 

Grandmother Going Places
Rainbow Warrior of Prophecy 

And for further reading of the heart, take a look here.

Thinking With The Heart Besides The Brain

Can your heart think and feel?

Knowing By Heart: Cellular Memory in Heart Transplants
by Kate Ruth Linton 

The Thinking Heart: An Interview with Paul Pearsall by Hal Bennett and Susan Sparrow 

Work of Dr Andrew Armour: Transplant Experiences  

The Thinking Heart

The Thinking Heart

Thinking Outside the Brain: Gut feelings and following the heart
I can see your thoughts from here
The Thinking Heart

Several Hebrew and Greek words are translated as 'heart' in English translations of the Bible, but mostly it comes down to three words:
1. 'leb' (Hebrew)
Meaning: heart, will, feelings, intellect.
2. 'lebeb' (Hebrew)
Meaning: heart (as the innermost organ), understanding, awareness.
3. 'kardia' (Greek)
Meaning: the heart, thoughts, feelings of the mind.

The overwhelming feeling one gets is that the ancients better understood the close relationship between the heart and brain than modern science has traditionally understood. Only now is this close relationship beginning to be appreciated by the latest studies on the human heart.

'For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...' (Proverbs 23:7a KJV)
''...that you may know the thoughts of your heart.' (Daniel 2:30b NKJV)
'...The thought of your heart may be forgiven you.' (Acts 8:22b NKJV)

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

I tell you truly the sun does rise, to bring the heart of our surmise, the grandest show we ever did sea, the vision of rainbows within you and me. I come to tell you we are a song, the greatest miracle left undone. But all we have to do, is share our songs, the living and giving of the receiving sun. My heart of Grandmother Going Places I do gift, the heart of what door do you gift? And when you choose to outweigh the sun, to be the setting of heaven's rungs, there will be standing the sacred circle of fun, the destiny of loving, that comes home when we run. Come child, into my arms, where Grandmother will hold you until the "DAWN".

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Return of the Toltec




now available free on;
related to Don Juan teachings form Carlos Castaneda

Brought to you by Grandmother Going Places

I tell you truly the sun does rise, to bring the heart of our surmise, the grandest show we ever did sea, the vision of rainbows within you and me. I come to tell you we are a song, the greatest miracle left undone. But all we have to do, is share our songs, the living and giving of the receiving sun. My heart of Grandmother Going Places I do gift, the heart of what door do you gift? And when you choose to outweigh the sun, to be the setting of heaven's rungs, there will be standing the sacred circle of fun, the destiny of loving, that comes home when we run. Come child, into my arms, where Grandmother will hold you until the "DAWN".

 Fire Purification

Carrasco Organizes International Team of Scholars to Decipher Sixteenth-Century Mesoamerican Codex

by Wendy S. McDowell

When the archaeology PhD student Ann Seiferle-Valencia tells friends and family about the sixteenth-century codex Mapa de Cuauhtinchan ("Place of the Eagle"), which she is helping to decipher along with an international team of scholars assembled by Harvard Divinity School Professor Davíd Carrasco, she says: "Everybody laughs. They tell me, 'You're writing your dissertation on a treasure map!'"

But as Carrasco and Seiferle-Valencia make abundantly clear, this particular "treasure map" will yield new and important discoveries for the field of Mesoamerican studies. More specifically, decoding this pictorial manuscript will lead to a much-needed deeper understanding of what Carrasco calls "the Mesoamerican imagination and sacred geography."

"This mapa [map] was produced by a Chichimec community from Cuauhtinchan as part of a legal dispute over land with the Spaniards and another Indian community," Carrasco said. "It is a rare document providing us a view of an indigenous community struggling in the sixteenth century to hold its own." And, Carrasco stressed, "it is artistically beautiful, with a dynamic sense of story about place and changing place."
image from codex showing the place of seven caves
The Mapa de Chauhtinchan starts at the sacred beginning with this detailed image of the Chichimec myth of origin. The ancestors are leaving Chicomoztoc ("the place of seven caves"), led by a woman with a shield and followed by a man carrying a ritual object. The caves represent different Chichimec communities. The womblike cave image is prevalent in Mesoamerican documents from this time period (the late 16th century). Says Carrasco, "I like that in their myth of origin, there are already multiple caves, and not just one, as in Plato." Photo Credit: Jorge Pérez De Lara.
The story, to the extent it has been interpreted so far, is an "origin, migration, foundation story," Carrasco explained. "It begins with a scene of emergence from the primordial 'place of the seven caves' from which their ancestors were born, and then shows their long journey across a mountainous landscape (marked by footprints) in search of a new homeland," he said. "Along the way, the Chichimecas negotiate with other communities, carry out animal and human sacrifices, and face floods and storms. They stop at Cholula, one of the great central Mesoamerican cities, where they receive sacred legitimacy to found a community. The journey ends with the founding of what becomes their homeland, Cuauhtinchan."

The original document is dated in the 1580s and records events from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. As far as anyone knows, the map was conserved somewhere in Cuauhtinchan until the late nineteenth century, when it was shown at an exposition and copies began to be exhibited in museums in Mexico. At that point, the original was purchased by a private collector, and it has remained with private collectors ever since. Although it was declared a historical monument in Mexico in 1963, and it has shown up now and again in scholarly discussions over the last century (including one dissertation written in Mexico), there has never been a comprehensive study done on this particular codex.

The most recent private owner of the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan, Angeles Espinosa Iglesias, acquired the document from another collector a few years ago. She is a member of the advisory board of Harvard's David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, with which Carrasco holds a joint appointment, and she approached the Center and asked if Harvard would able to organize a multidisciplinary investigation of the document. Rockefeller Center personnel told her, "We have just the scholar to ask," and they approached Carrasco, who took one look at the beautiful, detailed document and immediately began contacting scholars he knew at Harvard and in Mexico. Meanwhile, the map was digitally photographed at a high quality and put on a CD-ROM so that detailed digital images could be shared with his colleagues.

Davíd Carrasco with a copy of part of the codex
Davíd Carrasco, Neil L. Rudenstine Professor of the Study of Latin America, pictured here with a copy of part of the codex. Photo by Stephanie Mitchell.
Included on the team Carrasco put together are anthropologists, linguists, archaeologists, historians of religion and art, an archaeo-astronomer and an ethno-botanist, and one graduate student, Seiferle-Valencia. Harvard participants include William Fash, Barbara Fash, and David Stuart, representing the Department of Anthropology and the Peabody Museum. A group of scholars held an initial planning meeting in Mexico City during November 2003, and 15 agreed to sign on to a three-year collaborative effort to analyze the map from multiple academic perspectives. The scholars planned two conferences, the first to be held in Puebla, Mexico (most likely in the fall of 2004), to share their initial investigations, and the second to be held at Harvard, where polished papers will be presented. Ultimately, the team hopes to produce a book of essays sharing their interpretations of the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan.

"This group will be able to analyze the sacred geography, astronomy, botany, architecture, historical events, religious rituals, and political alliances represented in the document," Carrasco said. "Our iconographic analysis will engage a multi-disciplinary, team approach. The Moses Mesoamerican Archive, which is the host for the project, has utilized this approach with effective results over the last 20 years, resulting, for instance, in the award-winning Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures. It's a matter of using what I call the 'ensemble approach' to interpreting cultural and religious documents. It will be interesting to see how our methods compare with the ongoing deciphering of biblical and other religious documents by colleagues in the Divinity School.

"Harvard's project includes a number of scholars from Mexico who have been working on colonial pictorials including the Cuauhtinchan documents," Carrasco said. "The Mexican participants are led by Keiko Yoneda whose publications on the family of pictorials from the Puebla region will serve as a guide for the meeting in Mexico next fall."

There are many attributes that make this document particularly exciting for scholars from many fields, Carrasco and Seiferle-Valencia note. One of the most important is that it can be "looked at in interaction with other contemporaneous documents," according to Carrasco. "This document is part of a family of four documents that were all produced in Cuauhtinchan," Seiferle-Valencia explained, "so they're in a similar artistic tradition and provide us with an important opportunity to do comparisons between documents and really analyze them to a degree that is difficult to do with more isolated manuscripts. There's more cultural context."
image from codex, showing Chicimec warrior and Toltec lord or 
Later in the journey, a Chicimec warrior negotiates a crossing with a Toltec lord or priest. The manner of dress shows the social differentiation between the two, with the Toltec representative dressed in the finery of the time (a woven robe) and holding a royal shield, marking his urban origins, and the Chichimec warrior dressed in a rough garment, marking his rural origins. According to Carrasco, this scene represents one of many confrontations in the document, which were clearly "historical crossroads" for the Chichimec mapmakers.. Photo Credit: Jorge Pérez De Lara.
There is, they explain, one famous contemporaneous manuscript in particular, the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca, which is illustrated and also includes script written by a European hand. "Documents like the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca are an invaluable resource in terms of interpreting other Mesoamerican pictorials like our document because they contain both the written and pictorial program and can illuminate the comparable artistic elements," Seiferle-Valencia said. "It is a solid foundation to start with."
At the same time, "a lot of the analysis comparing the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca to some of the finer details of other documents like this one have not been thoroughly examined," Seiferle-Valencia added. "So that means that although there is a lot of comparable material, careful comparison has not yet been undertaken." For these reasons, this is an "ideal research project," she says.
The first step, she says, is analyzing the toponyms in the map to identify Aztec place names. "The Aztecs never developed a phonetic writing system," she explained, "so it's not the same as with Maya hieroglyphs, where you can just do a full linguistic and phonetic analysis. But this map is full of an impressive itinerary of places that these groups are traveling through, claiming, and performing rituals in, and the place names are illustrated typically as a hill with some kind of modifying element, either inside, or on top of, or next to it. So the first part of my research, aided by my work with Professor David Stuart, is to decipher these place names." Carrasco cites initial examples that have been identified on the map of this kind of place naming, such as "serpent mountain," "wind god hill," and "the niche of the eagle."
"The other aspect of that first step," Seiferle-Valencia continued, "is to actually try and locate these places in the modern state of Puebla." And there's no better way to do this than to actually live in the area, which Seiferle will do during this spring semester into the summer. "I'm required to do a field-work component to my degree," she said, "so I will be using a combination of modern and historical maps, trying to locate these places, and then investigating them to see what kinds of archaeological and/or cultural material is associated with each place."

Seiferle-Valencia even plans to go so far as to begin to learn the local Nahuatl language while in the region, an incredibly difficult pursuit because of the radically different word structure and consonant combinations. "I believe immersing yourself in Nahuatl is a fundamental part of being able to decipher these kinds of colonial documents accurately," she said. "It structures your perception in a way that you can't replicate by doing a dry study."

After completing this first extensive "data-gathering" step, Seiferle said, the next stage "is to use that material to refine an understanding of Aztec space and place." Exploring the "sacred landscape" of particular Mesoamerican communities is certainly in keeping with Carrasco's primary interests, but Seiferle says it is also "inevitable" with this document, because "religion is so intricately related to everything else" in the imagination of Mesoamerican peoples. "If you look at the documents, there are some places the groups simply pass through, but then there are other places that are clearly locations for ritual or sacrifice," she explained. "So what you see immediately is that the relationship between religion and landscape is very significant."

One of the most interesting aspects for both Carrasco and Seiferle in the interpretive work is looking at the way the naming (inherent in the very act of making the map) is a form of resistance. "Through this map and an understanding of its historical and legal context, we can witness the Indian voices claiming their own place and setting down their own interpretation of historical events," Carrasco said. Seiferle added, "In a social climate where you have colonial authorities reorganizing communities and changing names of towns, you see very strong insistence on 'No, these are our places. This is our history.' " Both Carrasco and Seiferle-Valencia said that the endeavor of the mapmakers to maintain an indigenous identity in spite of all the forces mitigating against it is not only academically interesting to them, it is inspiring.

The renaming that was forced on communities by colonial powers even extended to the natural flora and fauna, explained one of Carrasco's team from Mexico, who visited the Harvard campus recently to share some of his own initial impressions of the codex. "When the Spaniards came, they developed their own books depicting the local plants from a Spanish perspective, comparing them to what they knew on the Iberian peninsula," said Robert Bye, an ethno-botanist at the National University of Mexico. For Bye, this document is especially exciting because of the "richness of the plants that are represented," which he says is rare for sources from this time period.

"My role will be to tease out the botanical information and cultural links in terms of how the local people may have used the particular plants in daily life in ritual," he said, "and in the second stage to give feedback from a 'co-evolutionary perspective' on how (indigenous people of the time) were both influenced by, and influenced, plants." He said the Aztecs were known to be very good at pooling their resources, meaning they certainly cultivated and probably altered plants.

Lest Bye's piece of the project seem removed from Carrasco's desire to explore the social and religious aspects of the map, Bye dispels this by noting the importance of plants in religious life and in marking the social location of communities (for instance, some plants are only eaten by poor people). In fact, Bye points out that studying plants and the value placed on them by indigenous peoples and their colonizers reveals a definite "conflict between indigenous cosmological views and the view of the three monotheistic faiths."

Including botany, astronomy, and other disciplines that are usually considered to be outside the range of his own field of study makes this a quintessential Carrasco project. A professor who is known to incorporate art, music, and film in his courses on religion (and who himself has collaborated on a range of academic and artistic projects, including the film "Alambrista"), Carrasco is an expansive scholar who constantly seeks to transcend any one discipline to the end of improving all of them. In projects such as this one, he brings together scholars from different fields to allow for a cross-fertilization of ideas and to ensure that no stone goes unturned (quite literally in this project, since there are many rock groupings in the map that need to be interpreted).

Carrasco's desire to bring together many different voices and perspectives in order to deepen understanding extends beyond the academy, as he attempts to involve people in the communities being portrayed or studied whenever possible. With the Mapa de Cuauhtinchan project, "members of the team will be consulting with local people living in the area in doing their work," he said, "and we plan to take our interpretative results back to the community when we're done and invite their feedback."

Image: Toltec Cave Painting
Clearly, unlike some scholars, Carrasco is not one to hoard an exciting project for personal gain. In fact, he is using the codex as a teaching tool in the freshman seminar he is co-teaching with Bill Fash this semester, "Aztec and Maya," even though interpretation of the codex is still in its early stages. "What better opportunity for students than to have a fresh document like this to decipher and interpret?" Carrasco said. Besides, he adds, "the more eyes that see it, the more dimensions that can be noticed and illuminated."

To hear Carrasco and his team talk, perhaps Seiferle-Valencia's friends aren't so far off in their reaction to the project: The Mapa de Cuauhtinchan is indeed a treasure map for academics. "With artistic splendor and detail, it reveals the distinctive way this indigenous community told their own narratives in the midst of social conflict," Carrasco said.

Brought to you by Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Grandmother Going Places Angel Services around the World

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Call the River Home, the Galaxy I Know, Blow the Purification Down Below!

There we go down the slope, the river is rushing by.  Down the boat I do gloat, because I don't know why (others feel so unsatisfied).  There is the many who sail in me, and they are mighty long (winded).  They think, that I am always wrong, because they don't know the sky.  If only they would hold my hand, there would be satisfied.  My heart is longing to be the shore, for love to grow inside.

When does it snow, I begin to know, the many are calling home.  The wind is long (eternal), and I am bound, to always touch the sky.  There is a calling deep and curved (evolution), where men are calling home.  There seems a wind, that blows away sin, if only we were satisfied (purification practices, like the fire ceremony).  The many who are in shame don't begin to know the game, because it's innocence they want to claim.  I wish, I could just hold them near, to understand the game (of love). 

We are on a river show this time, where change is going home.  The places we offer you this day, is always changing games.  It's because the destiny serves the brothers in the tide (seekers on a mission).  We serve the Mothers, sisters too, sow they will be satisfied (heavenly darkness, woman brings the law of love, where we are satisfied, the land of to and fro, between soul and flesh).  My heart does gloat upon the boat, when love is the only game.  I seek abundance and not the wrath of those dissatisfied.  I whish, their hearts could know the parts, that gift our longing hides (crystalline holy temple, the house of God, the flesh that floats in the river of time).  Inside the heart, we long to part, of ineffable (too great or intense to be expressed in words, the swelling of the heart) ways, we seek instead a better way, when we choose loving games.

I have to say, my love is here, to bind the halls of shame (just do better next time).  They need to find another way to gloat, because it's not living shame (no need to hold onto, but forgive instead).  Oh no (shame is not part paradise).  It's the loving game. And we are here to claim the halls, the place we play our games.  The portal of eternal life is bound up inside our hearts.  It's inside our loving hearts.

Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman for the Heart Song of Grandmother Going Places

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!

For Your Fire (Smudge), Pipe, Blessing Ceremony (Songs)

The Blessing of the Nine Sacred Directions # one
I bless the up and the down, the sacred all around, the north, south, east and west, the heartbeat (in) and the breath (out) I give my life to this test (devotion, key to love), the fire's light illuminates our plight (flesh), for I belong to thee forever in the breeze, it's me, the water's breath (soul). I am God's child, blessed like the rest.

The Blessing of the Nine Sacred Directions # two
To the East and the West. To the north and the south. To the up and the down, to the sacred all around. To the heartbeat and Breath, I gift all my sacredness. I receive all my life for thee. I shall be forever in the breeze.
peacefulI shall sing. I shall sing upon Mountain Tops. I shall be. Glory for thee. And I shall be the loving breeze.

The Blessing of the Nine Sacred Directions # three
I bless the up and the down, the sacred all around, the north, south, east and west, the heartbeat (in) and the breath (out) I give my life to this test (devotion, key to love), the fire's light illuminates our plight (flesh), for I belong to thee forever in the breeze, it's me, the water's breath (soul).  I am God's child, blessed like the rest.

The Blessing of the Nine Sacred Directions # four
The one you write. And I tend to say a different blessings every day, but nine directions are always with the fire ablaze (the walk about), the fundamental equation, to cleansing our holy temple, our inner house.

For Your Fire (Smudge), Pipe, Blessing Ceremony  (daily forgiveness)

1. What's important here is the daily walk about cleansing space (all relatives together), to four to
five times a day (singularly), while blessing the nine directions.  This is crucial. 

2. And when you teach forgiveness, the person, need write it on a paper (a match), and it must be real paper (tree leaves touch Father Sky, roots touch Mother Earth, trunk bind them together, the law of love) or bark, then burn it up. 

3. Also, the mental cleansing of space, from daily blessings, to hourly blessings, to walking and talking (wakan tankan-holy spirit) blessed and sacred.

4. And for Lavender people who are Holiness (love blossoms out of them and violence overcomes them), well they need do it every hour (
Fire Smudge Blessing, any incense will do, even gas, like a lighter, but they must do outside, what they do inside), otherwise, snap, crackle, pop, and violence is the uncleansed flesh of rainbow lights.  No one dare speak to approach these people, because their souls seem to know, as they simply walk away from them.  Only someone who cares enough, to fight about it, will demand them bless themselves to be free.  These people belong to the world, our Holiness, who purify our world, inside out, by sending love to us all and binding us together. We must care enough, to teach them to drum 20 minutes a day (purify self) and bless each hour of the day (they do it on the inside, now they need do it on the outside too), for they are the true deliverance of the world, our Lavender people (Holiness). 
note:  Magenta people need dance and sing for 20 minutes a day, to bind heaven and earth within!
5. The smoke is like the clouds (binds heaven and earth, the tiger with a girth), that blows in the sky, that hold our tears, when we cry.  And when they burst, it cleanses everywhere, like the Aqua person does lead the way.  Follow the flow, and know that it knows, the sacred to and fro (look forwards and back).  The heart leads the way, let's give it a shout and a hooray, for we are going home real soon! Let's remember the pipe is a sacred device, that allows us to remember this way.  The sacred portrayal of giving and saving (respecting the receiving, bowing like the rainbow, the humble heart glows and touches the heart), the important part of the world, the soul, that cleanses, the heart with many lessons, the flesh, that needs guidance each day!
Warriors of the Earth  

I tell you truly the sun does rise, to bring the heart of our surmise, the grandest show we ever did sea, the vision of rainbows within you and me. I come to tell you we are a song, the greatest miracle left undone. But all we have to do, is share our songs, the living and giving of the receiving sun. My heart of Grandmother Going Places I do gift, the heart of what door do you gift? And when you choose to outweigh the sun, to be the setting of heaven's rungs, there will be standing the sacred circle of fun, the destiny of loving, that comes home when we run. Come child, into my arms, where Grandmother will hold you until the "DAWN".

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Crow, Katchina and Boar Tells the Tale of Love's Knowing in Grandmother Space

At 5:54pm on September 18, 2009, White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Grandparent Going Places,
In this image, the white crow is representing four directions with the color white, as the crow represents grandmother space, where dreams live, awake or asleep. The red robe signifies the one who brings the law of love, endures suffering for others.  The green satchel carries the embrace of oneness, like a river contains the rushing river. The crow carries a staff, the uniting force of the tree of life, LOVE, with bells, which signify freedom and the cross baring the four directions in evolution's spiral.  The sword severs ignorance.  The crow warrior heels bleed love where steps are taken to fight for love.  The green band protecting the shin reminds the warrior, where steps are taken is the spiritual embrace of the Oneness of all things. The boar is the royal creature of stamina, strength and abundance, never leaving relatives in need, the true kinsmen. The nose is: Trust of the soul, the eternal nose (knows or bridge to your flesh, the wild wild west, where the sun does rise within).  If you don't know who you are and don't know what you are doing, then know the Soul knows the way, true to yesterday (the eternal circle of life, repeats and grows)! Hoofs split to represent the eight directions of light and dark. The under belly is soft like a cloud that can rise up, to bee the devoted servant, And finally, the tusks reach upwards, to unify earth with heavenly virtues eternally.
The men down below are Katchina dancers, dancing with black and white, our Grandmother Space, white, black, white, black and flying so fast it looks gray, as they teach by clowning around by showing truth through mockery. AS your song was singing. Hey Grandparent Hawkwind Going Places, did you see the Grandmother song from a Native Green person? Included here. Hawk is the sound that Crows make, the center space of Grandmothers heart? Wind is where we flow inside the house of God. Of course you would choose this name! Everyone must sing for you...for it's in the house of One with the view of many doors that blow through this world, and Grandmothers holds us near. love calf woman, your grandchild Thunder Walks Song about Grandmother, the color Gray: I am with Grandmother each and every day, I am with holiness and it's display, the heart of envelopes that hold me close, for I can worship all the truths. Days and nights, hold me near. Have my heart close to yours. When the shadows come to me, I will bless them all set free. But when they seek to hide from me, the many doors into the breeze and I can say I love you more, because it's Gods open doors. The spider who weaves our destiny, is here to hold us in the breeze and when we come home to be with God upon the rolling hills and up above. It's grandmother! It's grandmother, its more than I can bear with her. She must endure all that's unkept, for she must open the nasty nest. Grandmother, Grandmother, come hold my heart and let me rest. Let me weave inside of you, and we can hold all the views. Grandmother, Grandmother, hold my head up Grandmother. Keep the heart of everyone, all together under the sun, Grandmother Grandmother, you often send crows to hawk at us. We can offer you more than love for you endure all from above. Grandmother, Grandmother, I love you more than words can spell. Grandmother, Grandmother, I have come home to your love.
At 7:34pm on September 10, 2009, White Buffalo Calf Woman said…
Today I come to know the way, of those who go and turn away, and when I say, I love you true, they tell me that I am such a fool. But what they don't know is this, for clowns are always gifting much, to light a fire inside of you, to know that God is part of the flue. I say to you, you are my child, and I have much to mingle inside my fire, but you are my child, and I care for you much and I will never turn away from you. I have more love than you can sea and you are my relative in the breeze. Will you come to receive my embrace? I don't seem to know when it rains, but I do know when you are so sad, and the clown who you think is so mad, is here to make you laugh again, to remember that you are heaven sent. My heart is here to guide you home to a river flowing from up above, but down below is heaven sent, my love don't you realize that God sent you? We are part of the same family but when will you believe in me? I have so much to gift to you, when you start receiving all the clues. I need you to know that now is the time, to bring this order of the divine, to meet two hearts and let us in, so we can sing and dance again. The love that comes from me to you, is the same living blue, the water that flows inside of you, and the water that flows all around you. WE belong this, this living stream, the hand of God has sprung again. And I need you to know my love, so you can open all the doors. The places that you dreamed of. The guides we call angels who come to rescue you. These are all part of the same family, the related we call them, from the sacred tree. Don't belittle all your friends, instead forgive them and reach into them. Find the ones they need to forgive and help them find the healing ridge. The place they think they need jump from, the place that they think is all disease, but I say to you, that heaven sent is darkness pure, just do your blessings to be free. And when you are fearing what lies ahead, remember this Grandmother will show your the way. I will hold your hand, I will open your heart, and I will make some fun, so we can start to be a family once again, for evolution is coming home, the third rolling hill, that's what I sea, the place we call Heaven inside of me. sung by white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother heart song of grandmother going places

Warriors of the Earth  

I tell you truly the sun does rise, to bring the heart of our surmise, the grandest show we ever did sea, the vision of rainbows within you and me. I come to tell you we are a song, the greatest miracle left undone. But all we have to do, is share our songs, the living and giving of the receiving sun. My heart of Grandmother Going Places I do gift, the heart of what door do you gift? And when you choose to outweigh the sun, to be the setting of heaven's rungs, there will be standing the sacred circle of fun, the destiny of loving, that comes home when we run. Come child, into my arms, where Grandmother will hold you until the "DAWN".